The Live Export Process

Sourcing the Livestock:
Depending on individual needs of each client, cattle can be sourced from all throughout Australia matching the best breeds to each situation. Cattle for South East Asia are selected from Northern Australia as they are best suited to tropical climates and posses lower fat ratios. These cattle can be sourced from properties larger than the size of Israel.

Into Holding Yards:
Cattle are trucked into Quarantine Holding Yards where they are go through the relevant protocols, scanned and quarantined. A government appointed vet will inspect all the cattle assessing their health and approving the livestock fit for travel.

Loading onto the Ship:
Cattle leave the holding yards on trucks and delivered to the wharf. A load plan is made to appoint specific location on the ship for each line of livestock. The loading is done by an experienced team that can create a low stress environment for the animals. The whole process is overseen by an Australian government appointed vet and an approved stockperson. After the completion of loading, the approved stockperson will travel with the livestock to their final port destination to monitor the animal’s health and to ensure the highest animal welfare standards are being carried out.

Discharge of the Ship:
The discharge of the ship is overseen by the Accredited Australian Stockman. The livestock are loaded onto local transport fit and healthy to be taken to local quarantine yards.

Starting a new life in a New Country:
Whether the livestock are for feeding, slaughter, breeding or milking – the quality of the animals will be evident in their new required roles. Halleen Australasian Livestock Traders is ready to provide any additional support whether it is with supplying equipment, training or advice.